Why are Vital Signs Important: 3 Reasons Why

1. Measuring Key Vitals
Primary Usage:
If you are in the healthcare industry then you already know vital sign monitors are primarily used to measure, record, assign and display a combination of values such as Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Body Temperature. These values indicate well-being and can be reviewed by medical professionals to give insight into the current state of your health.
2. Assessing Underlying Health Problems

Blood Pressure:
There are two numbers associated with blood pressure readings: Systolic and Diastolic. The American Heart Association recommends consulting a medical professional if your blood pressure reads higher than 130hg systolic & 80hg diastolic (130/80). If your blood pressure is categorized as hypertension, your doctor may suggest making lifestyle changes to improve your blood pressure.

Heart Rate:
A healthy resting heart rate is between 60-100 BPM (beats per minute). In addition, fluctuations from this average can be due to smoking, chronic stress, caffeine, inactivity, medication, or dehydration and should not be ignored.

Body Temperature:
A normal body temperature is between 97℉ and 99℉ (degrees Fahrenheit). However, if your body temperature is abnormal, it could be an early sign of infection. Even if you don’t necessarily feel sick, a high body temperature should be addressed immediately.
3. Preventing Diagnosis Errors
When a patient is describing their symptoms, providing a clear diagnosis may be difficult without utilizing proper testing and monitoring. Therefore, Vital Sign Monitoring helps doctors identify a clear diagnosis based on their knowledge of normal vital signs. Without using vital sign monitoring, a misdiagnosis is more likely and could lead to unnecessary and unwanted treatment.