When Can You Hear a Baby’s Heartbeat on a Doppler?

What is a (Fetal) Doppler?
A Fetal Doppler is a medical device used to listen to the heartbeat of a developing fetus in the womb. It utilizes a technology called doppler ultrasound, which uses sound waves to detect and amplify the heartbeat of the fetus.
When does a Fetal Heart Monitoring test take place?
A fetal doppler test at a medical clinic normally takes place during your second trimester (weeks 13 to 28 of pregnancy). Sonographers typically advice against trying to listen to a baby’s heartbeat before 13 weeks, as the womb is in the pelvis during the first trimester.
When can you hear a baby's heartbeat on a doppler?
A healthy baby’s heart usually beats 110 to 160 times a minute in the womb. For more information of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring Results, click here.
So, when can you hear baby’s heartbeat with a doppler? The answer may depend on the type of fetal doppler you use.
Medical Grade Fetal Doppler
Medical grade fetal dopplers can reliably detect a baby’s heartbeat about 10 to 12 weeks into pregnancy. These devices are accurate and approved by various safety agencies. Furthermore, medical professionals are trained and equipped to diagnose and treat any potential health issues you may encounter.

At-Home Fetal Dopplers
At-home fetal dopplers can detect heartbeats anywhere from 9 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. These home fetal doppler tests are small portable systems that are inexpensive and convenient, but lack the precision of professional grade equipment. The FDA advices the use of them as the lack of medical supervision may pose some risks.