Edan iM50 Patient Monitor


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The Edan iM50 Patient Monitor, providing a perfect portable solution for clinics of all types. This Patient Monitor features an 8.4” touchscreen display, pacemaker detection and built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery. Additionally, the iM50 offers nurse call function and bi-directional communication with a central station. This patient monitor also offers USB, VGA and analog outputs, and a built-in SD card slot enables memory expansion for large data storage. With this multi-functional all-in-one parameter module, the Edan iM50 Patient Monitor can enhance the efficiency of full clinical parameter monitoring.

Standard Parameters: 3/5-lead ECG, HR, RESP, EDAN SpO2 , NIBP, PR, 2-TEMP

Optional Parameters: Nellcor OxiMax SpO2 , 2-IBP, EDAN G2 CO2 (Sidestream), Respironics CO2 (Mainstream and Sidestream)

Patient Monitor Brand

Patient Monitor Co2 Options


Patient Monitor Condition


Standard Configuration, DEMO Standard Configuration, +Touch Screen, DEMO w/ Touch Screen, +G2Co2, +Philips Respironics External Co2, +G2Co2 & Touch Screen, +G2Co2 & Touch Screen + Wi-Fi (Old Stock), +Touch Screen (Old Stock), +Touch Screen & Wi-Fi (Old Stock)


  • 8.4″ color TFT display with maximum 11 waveforms
  • Pacemaker detection, electrosurgical interference proof
  • Defibrillation protection and defibrillation synchronization
  • Full touchscreen enables intuitive operation by clicking on the specific parameters or the waveform in real time, standard configuration includes the navigation knob
  • OxyCRG available to judge the respiration and circulation function for neonates
  • Large font display
  • Arrhythmia and S-T segment analysis
  • Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery
  • Nurse Call function and bi-directional communication with MFM-CMS central station
  • SD card slot enables memory extension for large data storage
  • USB and serial ports enables abundant future upgrades
  • VGA output and analog output
  • Complete and flexible mounting solution for different scenarios
  • 8.4″ color TFT display with maximum 11 waveforms
  • Pacemaker detection, electrosurgical interference proof
  • Defibrillation protection and defibrillation synchronization
  • Full touchscreen enables intuitive operation by clicking on the specific parameters or the waveform in real time, standard configuration includes the navigation knob
  • OxyCRG available to judge the respiration and circulation function for neonates
  • Large font display
  • Arrhythmia and S-T segment analysis
  • Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery
  • Nurse Call function and bi-directional communication with MFM-CMS central station
  • SD card slot enables memory extension for large data storage
  • USB and serial ports enables abundant future upgrades
  • VGA output and analog output
  • Complete and flexible mounting solution for different scenarios
Patient Monitor Essentials

8.4″ TFT Display

Pacemaker Detection

Arrhythmia and S-T Segment Analysis

Up to 11 Waveforms

Commonly Asked Questions

The warranty on the Edan iM50 is 2 years, and 1 year for accessories.

Disclaimer: Our Used/DEMO equipment includes a 1 year warranty for the main unit and 1 year for accessories.

The Edan iM50 Display Modes include: Standard Display, Large Font, Trend View, OxyCRG, and Bed to Bed.